Spiritist Book    
Changing Lives with Spiritism: Fresh Perspectives for a New Humanity

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"Through this book, I simply wish to extend you a warm invitation to open your mind to new possibilities and perspectives, to set aside any preconceived ideas you may have about what the word Spiritism means, and to allow yourself a peek into the kinds of insights that Spiritism has to offer. If you are one of many already familiar with Spiritualism, you’ll also discover points that highlight details relevant to Spiritism in particular. In any case, I ask you to consider yourself to be on the listening end of a friendly conversation through which I am able to share, in plain language infused with great enthusiasm, how valuable Spiritism is as a source of comfort, resolution, inspiration, and peace. [...]

May you discover in this book a message of hope and a new beginning. May you find relief, clarity, and the motivation to learn more about Spiritism. Finally, it is my sincere hope that through the study of Spiritism – beginning, perhaps, with this book – you may gain inner peace by leaving behind old, nagging questions and doubts, while discovering new ways to bring greater joy and fulfillment to your life."


Listen to Heather talk about the book!
Video of Heather's presentation
about the book
Kardec Radio interviews Heather about the book




Changing Lives with Spiritism

Fresh Perspectives
for a New Humanity

Heather Bollech-Fonseca


 Heather Bollech-Fonseca, a student of Spiritism for over 15 years, is an active contributor to the United States Spiritist movement and participates in the dissemination of Spiritism through speaking, writing, and translating. She is a co-founder and the chief developer of the Spiritist website ExploreSpiritism.com.


(c) 2013 Leon Denis Spiritist Group
Published through partnership

Léon Denis
Spiritist Group


United States
Spiritist Council


"Spiritism speaks to the heart, mind, and soul. There is something in it for every individual. With great enthusiasm, I extend to you my heartfelt invitation to explore the treasures of wisdom and inspiration that Spiritism has to offer."
Heather Bollech-Fonseca



(c) 2013 Léon Denis Spiritist Group